Category Archives: Notes from the Director

Jan. 18th Update

By | Notes from the Director | No Comments

On Martin Luther King Day, a day to celebrate diversity and difference…
A quick update on our progress:
After various tries with sound mixers, Rikk Degres from Northampton will be doing EQ’ing, etc. so hopefully the film will sound great even when showing the film in the most challenging venue (like an art gallery!).
Meanwhile, the color grader, Jamie Dickinson, is doing wonders with the color correction (it didn’t look too shabby even without the color correction). Charles Geohagen is working on a trailer.
When all of that is done, we will start submitting the film to film festivals! Let us know if there are some that you think we should try for!

Hanji Box update, August 24th

By | Notes from the Director | No Comments

After a month of technical computer upgrades, hard drive purchases, transcoding all the different footage formats to Apple Pro Res, I am finally well immersed into the editing! I am also getting used to Adobe Premiere Pro–even though I loved Final Cut 7. It’s great to be digitally surrounded by all of the wonderful actors we had the pleasure of working with.