The Painting in Insadong featured in The Hanji Box movie.
Nora Jacobson
38 Kendall Station Road
Norwich, VT 05055
802.649.3242 (office)
802.356.7036 (cell)

Our Hanji Box
Hanji has long been used to make such items as bridal crowns, sewing boxes, bowls, clothing, lanterns, jars, and wedding gift boxes.
The truest and best Hanji is made from the dak tree. This Hanji is more commonly called dak paper, and is also known as “baekji.” The syllable “baek” means “one hundred” and refers to the numerous steps and hard work involved in making Hanji cutting deeply rooted dak trees, steaming the wood and then peeling it, beating it, drying it, and so on. People say that the completion of a single sheet of Hanji required 99 touches by the maker and one final touch by its user.